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Our commitment is to use all gifts and donations where they are needed the most and can make the most impact.

If you feel to donate or partner with us please feel free to contact us by filling in the below contact form or clicking on the donation form picture to download a donation form and send or email it back to us.


Barni Yunggudja Aboriginal Corporation

ABN: 49 250 204 115


PO Box 344

Tel: 08 8642 6583

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If you feel to support us in some way you can do so by:

  1. Making a donation either monthly, fortnightly or make just a once-off donation.
  2. By becoming partner with us in prayer as well as giving. Through partnering with us we can stand with each other, believe for each other and support each other. Together our anointings combine and doors are opened that allow us to do above and beyond what we think or ask. Through partnership we are able to reach more people and provide more services and help than ever thought possible.


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